Vivitar IC 400 | 35mm Film Camera | Point and Shoot | Tested & Working | Great condition.
This is one of Vivitar's many cheap focus-free 35mm models, similar to the IC 100. There are no exposure adjustments on this camera. The main attraction of this particular model is its oversized viewfinder, which does a better job of representing the actual lens coverage than many other cameras of the like. This camera is a sweet entry of lomo imagery for 35mm film. It's quick, light, and super easy to use, due to it's focus free nature.
Vivitar IC 400
- Focus free.
- Manual film advance.
- Small aperture (approx. f/11) for large depth of field.
- Wide angle 24mm lens.
- Shutter speed fixed at 1/85s.
- No batteries required.
- (1) 35mm Roll of film
- Microfiber pouch